Friday, December 31, 2010

mom-mode post #116 - on the battle of the bulge

I haven't updated  my progress in a while...

the diet: Good news is, with the sister in town, I have eaten a whole lot healthier. Every morning she makes this green juice out of kale, ginger, flaxseed, and whatever fruits we have on hand. It takes a while to get used to the taste, but once you do, it really helps you feel like you got a healthy start to your day! She also helped me realize how big a portion I was still eating. I have significantly cut down my portions and I feel so much better.

the exercise: Jillian was back on, but then I got really sick and I haven't done any physical activity  as of late. My sister did introduce me to some Pilates moves (she is like the queen of Pilates) and I was hooked. We'll see if I can keep it up after she leaves.

the weight: These past two weeks, between completely overhauling my diet and getting sick (with a complete loss of appetite), I lost a total of 5 lbs. I know it is a little much, but I think my body was just shocked into losing all of this. I'm happy, even though I know it wasn't all lost because of my efforts, but because I was sick. Next week things should go back to normal.
Happy news is that I am only 2.5 lbs away from my original goal for December. Now I still have a total of 5 pounds I want to lose before I have to hit the beaches of my beloved Brazil this February. Talk about forced motivation.

So from October 4th until December 31st, I lost a total of 9.5 lbs.

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