Monday, December 27, 2010

mom-mode post #115- on our merry little Christmas

It was a merry little Christmas in the Smith household this year. We dearly missed the loved ones we couldn't be around this season, and celebrated the visit of my sister and brother-in-law.
We started new traditions with our precious little gift.

We spent time making sure we kept some of our old traditions as well.
We sang songs before bedtime, celebrating our dear Savior's birth.
We dined a typical Brazilian candle light dinner.
We also included some new dishes this year like French toast. You read it right. Apparently where my brother-in-law is from, that's what you eat on Christmas Eve.

We were woken up (early) by an anxious little boy (not) , and got an early start on Christmas morning. 

We opened presents for the first time ever.

But some of us seemed a tad more interested in just the wrappings.

And some of us seemed a bit more excited about opening gifts than others.

'What are you playing tia Paty?'

And some of us got wore out and in need of a nap.

We made memories as a family of three.

Afterwards, most of us indulged in a more American breakfast. Complete with gravy and biscuits and cinnamon rolls. The husband, the sister and brother-in-law, even the baby partook in it. For the record, I DID NOT touch the gravy and biscuits, excpet for while making it. I probably just had some leftover dessert for breakfast.:)

And we kissed (after I unwrapped my super stylish gifts from the husband! I can be so superficial some times. :))

We skyped with our families, and longed for the day we all can be in the same country, celebrating together.
We sang Christmas hymns in Turkish (the sister even joined in), which we forgot to take pictures of..I had a great time, given that I miss singing in  a choir every Christmas. We had delicious Turkish food for Christmas dinner.And we were reminded, even in a foreign language what blessing we have in our Immanuel.

It was one of the most memorable little Christmases yet.


R, T and O said...

I'm so glad you got to spend such sweet time with your sister over the holidays! Your family is adorable. I can't believe how light O's hair is getting. So cute!

d'radiofan said...

Made me cry!! So glad you're first Oliver Christmas was a memorable one and that Paty & Bruno could be there too! I anxiously await 'my turn'!!

Mom-mode said...

Thanks Tara! I know, I think by next summer his hair might be blond! It just keeps getting lighter!

Andrea, sorry I made you cry. Now you made me cry. We LONG for the day (soon, we hope!) when O can spend Christmas with his gram and gramps. And I'm sure by then he will be able to remember things!!!