Sunday, May 30, 2010

mom-mode post # 101 - on flying

You may think I'm crazy, but yes, I took my 3 month-old on a transatlantic trip. As life would have it, we had to take an unexpected trip to America to take care of some of my citizenship process.  The Lord worked out the timing so I could fly back with the grandparents and experience traveling with O before I have to do it all on my own on the way back.

Baby O did great. Sleeping through most of our long flight. He liked the little bassinet and really only cried a few times. I went in with the mentality that I wouldn't worry about his feeding schedule and would just go with the flow. That eased my mind whenever he got too fussy and the only way to calm him was by feeding him. That kept me and everybody else on the plane sane.

Security procedures was another story though... They make you take the baby out of the stroller, fold the stroller up, go through the detector with your baby, put your baby back in the stroller so they can scan just you, etc, etc. If I didn't have his grandparents with me, I would have lost my mind. Here's to hoping (and fervently praying) that the way back will go down without a glitch.

Thank you Gram and Granps for keeping me mentally sound on what has probably been my biggest undertaking as a new mom.

My next BIG undertaking: jet lagged baby. But that deserves a post all on its own.

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