Sunday, June 6, 2010

mom-mode post #81 - on flying with a baby

I could not have asked for a better traveling companion. He kept me busy just enough to keep me from getting bored, he gave me space when I needed to get things done and he slept when I needed to rest...
Baby O behaved like a seasoned traveler.
The first leg of the trip, a one-hour flight. O slept through the whole thing.
Then, a lay over a JFK. O felt all cozy in his stroller and slept like a baby. Allowing me to go from Delta counter to Delta counter trying to get a bulkhead seat, so O could have a bassinet on the plane. Also allowing me to make a quick stop-over at Chili's for  deliciously juicy bacon cheeseburger. Yay for not losing baby pounds. I guess I just couldn't pass that up.
Needless to say, the Delta people were less than helpful, leaving it up to me to arrange that bulkhead seat. I think I must've shed a tear or two out of shear desperation. How was I going to fly with my 3 month-old baby for 9 hours ( and some) without having a place to put him down to sleep?
I got on the plane, baby in tow and the flight attendant were very helpful, asking me what I needed. I promptly said: a bulkhead seat, please.  They said they would help me by asking whoever had that seat to change with me. Three young guys had those seats. They were traveling together and were ready to enjoy each other's company. I KNOW I ruined their trip when I asked to change seats... His first response was a simple no. So appealed to begging: sad puppy eyes, holding my baby, slightly crying voice: you see sir, I'm traveling alone with my baby and I need that seat so they can attach a little bed for my baby to sleep... The flight attendant added: and you get free drinks for being nice! And just like that our smoothest trip as of date started.
O quickly fell asleep right after dinner was being served. The kind flight attendants brought my dinner afterwards and I enjoyed a calm quiet flight. O woke up thirsty minutes before we landed and offered up smiles to everyone around us.
Things were going down without a glitch until O's pants started to leak... A quick trip to the bathroom quickly solved that. And off we were to customs, baggage claim and our dashing hubby and daddy's arms.


R, T and O said...

I'm so proud of you! What a brave mommy you are! I'm glad it went so well. What a good little boy!

elisa said...

pri, tu nem imagina que bencao eh teres um bb facil assim!!! a chiara teve dificuldade ate os 6 meses pra se aquietar e dormir... e ate hj temos que embalar ela, senao ela simplesmente nao dorme!

d'radiofan said...

This is the cutest picture of you two!