Sunday, November 29, 2009

mom-mode post # 30 - on sleeping on a bed

A few weeks ago we purchased a bed at Ikea. After a five hour drive back home, and many hours of my husband's hard work putting it together, we realized we had the wrong-size bed.
We don't have a car here, so it is not as easy as hop on the car and go exchange it. We had to take a train. Hubby took the bed apart and carefully put it back in the boxes, just the way it came. I love his OCDness (most of the time!). A friend helped him load the heavy boxes onto the train. I watched.:)
Five hours later, we arrive at the big city, boxes in tow. Another friend comes to pick us up and takes us straight to Ikea. But what do you know, thye don't have what we need! Hop in the van and drive to the other side of town, to the other Ikea. We get what we need, drive back, get stuck in traffic and just barely make it to the 5:30 train. We got home close to 11 o'clock and exhausted. The next morning more-than-I-ever-asked-for-hubby gets to work and puts the bed together. It's perfect!
Needless to say, I appreciate the comforts of this bed and cannot take it for granted. My pregnant back was struggling after a month or so of sleeping on a mattress.
Our bedroom is slowly coming together. We're still missing a few things on the wall and maybe a big wardrobe ( they don't have closets here). But the blue walls make it feel so peaceful and the bed, so comfy.
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1 comment:

d'radiofan said...

So happy you have the bed....more happier you have each other! Stay warm and cozy! Love you guys!