Thursday, April 21, 2011

mom-mode #1001 - on a blogging hiatus

Hey there friends! Remember me? Well, I've been away due to some technical difficulties, so today I'm using a vpn to get passed Turkey's block to Blogger.:)

While I've been away I've picked up another hobby or two,  and I realized I'd just rather spend more time on those than blogging right now. My to-do list is growing as we speak, I needed to do a little downsizing around here. As much as writing about motherhood has been cathartic and therapeutic,  I'm needing to take a break. I'll still post photos of the cutest boy in the world on Facebook. But, for now, I'm taking a little sabbatical from blogging.

Thanks for always cheering me on,


1 comment:

Gram said...

ahhhh! We want more! Years to come you'll be glad you did. I'm glad you do it NOW!! You have a writing talent, don't use, you'll loose it!