Thursday, February 3, 2011

mom-mode post #122 - on the introduction of the pizza

I normally try my very best to only feed O with the healthiest choices I can find on this side of the world. If I can buy organic, I do. If I can't, I try to buy the freshest veggies at the market, always looking for the best and healthiest way to prepare O's meals. But nowadays O has grown increasingly interested in what we're eating. And let's face it, I'm not necessarily known for my nutritious eating habits. So behold, the introduction of the pizza (after this, I don't think we are ever going back to our all-natural eating days -- ugh):

'Um, I think I like this', he says to himself.

'yeah, mommy! Keep the goodness coming!'

This has got to be my favorite face ever.

'this pizza business made me thirsty!'


d'radiofan said...

Even if he weren't my grandson, he'd still be the cutest little guy ever! Some of Daniel's pix looked like Opie on Andy and I think the one "my favorite face ever" reminds me of Opie!

andiewade said...

lucas saw this and said, "*sigh* i wuv baby owivur." (translation: i love baby oliver.)

Mom-mode said...

Andrea- he does look like Opie! I agree!

Andie- that's soooo sweet. I can't believe we didn't take a picture of them together!