Saturday, November 6, 2010

mom-mode #106 - on trying out the swing

I dreamed of days like this. Of taking my baby O to the park, playing on the swings, going down the slides...
Simple little moments of childhood memories being made. So this one is for the books: O's first time on a playground swing:

I dressed him in little curdoroy overalls because that's what I imagine little boys wear when going out to the playground. It seems to me that overalls are the quintessential playground outfit. I also added a couple more layers because I didn't want to be called out on not dressing my child warm enough for such a 'cold' day...

After some swing time, we sat down for a little snack. Cheerios and banana.

Days like this make the winter seem a bit more bearable. Days like this make the longings for home a little less stronger.
Days like this, help this mommy feel a little more 'normal', and a WHOLE lot happier.

~Thankful for a God that blesses me with some warm sunnny days and the most precious little boy of all.~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like the perfect day! I love days like this most of all-- when I just feel like a "normal" mom!