Thursday, September 16, 2010

mom-mode post #98 - on dinner time

"The mundane has purpose. If it weren’t for the ordinary duties of food preparation and kitchen cleanup, than this moment, this mealtime, this bond, wouldn’t exist." --
I just love this quote. I'm terrible about saving quotes and forgetting about the source though. So if anyone knows, please let me know. This quote truly reflects what dinner time feels like sometimes (and most housekeeping tasks too!), just so mundane. However it is wonderful to remember that the mundane has a purpose. Some of my most favorite memories growing up were around the dinner table. I pray and hope dinner times will become a wonderful bond for our little family.
About a month and half ago we ventured of in the wonderful world of solids. It wasn't really love at first bite. And actually this experience revealed me more of my son's personality. He always carefully examines his options before he jumps right into something new ( he takes this from his daddy), but once he jumps in, he goes in head first and never looks back (he takes this from his mommy). At such a young age O has an intense relationship with food. He loves every bite and is willing to try new things. But he is not afraid to say when he doesn't like something. 
So far our biggest hits have been: peas, carrots, apples, bananas --which he feeds himself--, oranges, apricots and green beans.
On the list of I'll eat but don't really love it: yogurt, pears, peaches, plums, rice cereal, oatmeal and scrambled egg yolk.
And the list of please-don't-ever-put-this-in-my-mouth-again- foods: avocado and store-bought veggie baby food.

You may notice some unusual choices for first foods we've introduced to him. I wanted to incorporate the different cultures we are immersed in when it came to O's eating habits. So instead of following the usual american schedule, I am adding variety and diversity to what he tries. Hence the yogurt, eggs and oranges. I wish I could find some papaya to let him try! :)))
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Michelle said...

It's so funny the foods that Lane loves (pears, peaches, and scrambled egg yolk) that O's not a fan of! Lane's not so big on green beans or yogurt, but loves almost everything else! You can get mangos here and maybe papayas too...while you're over here you could let him try them! And you should try pumpkin out on him...Lane loves it and it's readily available now!

andiewade said...

good thing he loves the oranges! mandalina season is on its way :)