Tuesday, August 24, 2010

mom-mode post #94 - on a broken foot and new for fall boot.

It is old news that being a mom has its share of challenges.
Being the mom  of a young baby can have the gruesome challenge of the  sleepless nights.
Being the mom of a young baby away from everything and everyone that is familiar to you can be brutal.
Being the mom of a young baby away from everything and everyone that is familiar and break your foot can be... Challenging would be an understatement.
That's right folks, I broke my foot. Thankfully it is nothing huge, just a small crack that should heal quickly.
Just when the weather was starting to cool and I was going to go back to running so I could lose the last stubborn 7 baby pounds. Just when the temperatures were not too unbearable to start taking baby O for refreshing walks and spend afternoons at the park. Just when he started sitting up and we were going to start working on crawling, just when...
I have to admit I needed an attitude adjustment when I realized the grandiosity of being momentarily impaired with a baby to care for. But being the eternal optimist that I am ( in my mind the glass is always half full in a pink-tinted glass...), I made a mental note of all the positive outcomes of my newfound predicament:
1. This is temporarily. I was sitting by the window holding O as he watched the cars go by today. And I was feeling pretty miserable that I couldn't stand with him and as usual tell him all the colors of the cars that come by. Then I remembered this lady I saw on a news bit one day. She had no arms and cared for her infant using only her feet. Praise God my situation is temporary and I still have both my arms and one leg to care for my baby.

2. To add to those two arms and a leg? I have a wonderful hubby. I've said it before how much more I love my hubby now that I've seen him as a father. But seeing him care for me and O when he already has so much going on has been so special in a bittersweet kind of way. I know it's been hard for him but he refuses to complain. He keeps a great attitude and his servant heart blesses me so much.

3. I've always struggled with wanting to control everything, every detail. This predicament is making helping me let go. It's been hard but it's been good. I'm now forced to lower the crazy high standards I set for myself and I realized how much the pressure is off now that there's nothing I can do about it. Maybe through this I'll finally learn to give me a bit more grace. The Lord certainly gives it to me. And His is sufficient for me.

4. Laundry, dinner, house cleaning, grocery shopping... I get to put it all in the back burner and focus on making my baby let out the sweetest of laughs. We have found all kinds of new games and I'm SO glad I get to enjoy it all.

I was going to leave you with a lovely picture of my new-for-fall single white boot. But Blogger has been messing up. So you'll have to wait on that one! Meanwhile, pray for me.:)

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