Wednesday, July 7, 2010

mom-mode post # 86 - on mommy guilt

If there is one thing about motherhood no one warned me about was this: guilt. Stemming from your own high standards, from other moms in your family, from that friend just seems to have it together,  from your nosy neighbor, from that craft blog, from the parenting magazines... Mommy guilt set in before O was even  a month old. It starts with a little bit of second guessing yourself: Am I doing this right? Should I be doing something different? And it escalates to full blown guilt, keeping you awake at night ( as if your baby wasn't already doing a great job at that), making you feel less of a mommy, a wife, a person.

If you are a young mom and are being eaten alive by mommy guilt, I share with you this article. Hope it is a refreshing to you as it was to me. This has been one of the most to-the-point articles I've ever read on the subject.

If you have not come to this stage in life or have long passed it, would you do me a favor? Would you be willing to say a little prayer for me? Pray that I'll "be all here" and my ministry to O will be my biggest expression of love for him. So I can live "mommy-guilt" free, knowing that I am right where I'm supposed to be.

Much love,



Unknown said...

pri querida,
eh assim mesmo! u r doing your best, with god's help, and it will all be all right in the end!


Patricia said...

não sei como é ter esse sentimento... mas acho que posso entender sua angústia.
Estou orando por ti! E por mim tb, rsrsrs, me conheces, sabes que já sou assim encafinfada mesmo não sendo mãe ainda! rsrsrs!