Sunday, June 20, 2010

mom-mode post # 85 - on momfessions

Inspired by this post by my friend Sheila. Perfectionism has long been my middle name and now more than ever I struggle with the high expectations I set for my self. So in an effort to just let go and remind myself that there's not such thing as the perfect mom and wife, here are my momfessions:

1. I have half a cheese quesadilla for lunch almost everyday. Call it stuck in a rut lunch, I call it an easy way to fill me up.
2. I feel guilty when my baby doesn't nap  right on cue. Or that I still rock him to sleep. But he is a baby, not an exact science and I'm finally OK with that. Besides I love the extra snuggles I get when I hold his sleepy little body in my arms.
3. I often pretend I don't understand the local language when locals tell me to put socks on my baby when it is 100 degrees outside ( or insert any other cultural custom here). Would this be considered lying? I call it surviving.
4. I've gone to bed having forgotten to brush my teeth only to remember it right as I'm falling asleep. Some days I don't get back up.
5. I envy those moms that snapped right back into shape after the baby and wonder why I have to work twice as hard to get everything back? Then I'm reminded of my genetics and how it's always been this way when it comes to losing weight.
6. My windows are probably the dirtiest in all of my building. I just haven't had the guts (or the time nor the will) to prop myself up on the window seal to clean them.

And I'll end like my friend Sheila did:

I’m not sure why I’m telling you all of this.  Maybe I just needed to get it off my chest.  I’m not the perfect woman, and I don’t think I mind all that much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for chiming in, I hope it felt good to get that off your chest! You're such a great mom, I could tell the second I saw you and Oliver together. :) And my windows wouldn't be clean either if I didn't hire a house helper!