Sunday, May 16, 2010

mom-mode # 46 - on mother's day

                                Hubby surprised me with a sweet get-away and the cutest photo book ever.

I remember how I felt the first night at the hospital. Overwhelmed at the fact that this tiny little being was solely dependent upon me for survival. Little old me, all stitched up and still numb from surgery. Little old me, never-babysat-much and clumsy. Little old me, a mommy.
Almost three months go by and we are celebrating my first mother's day. I'm now an, hum, "experienced" mother. Realizing that little old me was whom God chose to take care of this precious little guy. And boy, am I ever so blessed, so thrilled, so in love with our little family. I love my hubby even more and have a greater appreciation for him now that I've seen him as a daddy. And ever since that first night at the hospital, I've come to appreciate being my little guy's sole source of nourishment ( at least for now).
It was after a long night of being up with him, I found console in this quote ( I can't remember where I got it)
Heed this warning – I urge you to cherish every bleary eyed mid-night diaper change and feed as they are but a tiny portion of this parenting journey but just so special. Just as the kids start sleeping through the night those dark, quiet cuddles come to an end. Soak it all in.

And I am. I am soaking it all in.

( Oliver and I couldn't get a good picture together on mother's day. Either my eyes were closed, or he had a frown, or my hair was a mess... So we'll try to take some pics together soon)
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R, T and O said...

Hey, we had fun catching up with Daniel last night. I knew you had a blog, but somehow I lost your link. So I enjoyed spending the past few minutes looking at the adorable pictures of Oliver. He really is a cutie! Hopefully we can make it to Eski to see you soon!

Mom-mode said...

Hey Tara, thanks for taking my hubby and sis-in-law in. We are waiting for you here in Eski!!!