Wednesday, November 4, 2009

mom-mode post #25 - on picking out a baby book

So baby boy doesn't have a name yet. But you know, hubby and I have been otherwise engaged with some urgent matters lately. Like picking out his baby book.

I'm a lover of pretty papers and all things stationary, so I want to pick out something really stylish and classy, yet at the same time affordable.

I have searched endlessly online and I'm having a hard time finding something that I dub suitable for my baby boy. After all, I want to teach him early on about good design, clean lines and no "fru-fru-ness". It seems all I can find for a baby boy is something in powder blue with Winnie the Pooh on it. (no offense to Pooh, I like him, I just don't want my baby stuff to have Pooh (or Tiger) all over it!).

Not only the outside look is important, as well as the inside pages. They must have plenty of space to write and put pictures on it, plus they also must have a smart beautiful design. No little angels or baby bottles, please.

Mothers everywhere (and non-mothers alike), any suggestions? I would fully appreciate your help in this very important matter.:)

1 comment:

allison said...

I was given a little baby boy scrap book that was very plain and simple. I have since passed it along to my sister since she's having a boy and I'm totally not a scrapbook kind of person. I will however see where it was from.