Tuesday, September 22, 2009

mom-mode post # 12 - on how I found out

I always thought I was going to have a son. Long before this baby was even a mere glimpse in our minds, I just had this feeling.
However, ever since I found out I was pregnant, I was certain I was having a girl. I dreamed I was having a girl. I knew I was having a girl.
It didn't matter one way or the other, but I was so sure I was carrying a little girl.
To my complete surprise, my baby decided to show me right within the first few minutes of the ultrasound, in the most unbashful manner, that he was indeed a boy and I better start treating him like one!
You see, my mind had drifted into thoughts of tea parties, princess castles and pink patent leather shoes. Now I need to start having thoughts of wrestling matches, war forts and soccer cleats!

Daniel took this picture soon after I found out I was having a son. I couldn't be a prouder mom. It didn't even feel stupid ( like it normally does) to be posing for a belly picture. ;0)

Now if only we could agree on a name...


Vanessa Collier said...

You look beautiful as always! Congrats on having a boy!! You will be a fabulous mom!!

Mom-mode said...

Thanks Vanessa! :)

NS said...

eeEEe, eh um menino!! Parabenss :D tais linda em mom-mode e logo logo mommy-mode :D
