Tuesday, April 6, 2010

mom-mode post # 52 - on taxi rides and 5 week olds

(Yes, no infant seat. That's how they do it here. I just pray and cringe)
I realized the other day that my son is going to grow up in a world much, much different than the world I grew up in. No, I'm not just talking about the fact that I was born in the so-called "lost decade" ( yep, I'm 28 today!) and the ipod was a mere glimpse in Steve Jobs mind, but I'm talking about the way we got around. As far as I remember my main mean of transportation when I was a baby was either in my dad's old Passat or my mom's VW bug. Now Oliver my friend, has had a whole different experience. Take yesterday for example. We were coming back from the outskirts of Istanbul to our city. First, we took a taxi to the nearest bus stop (transportation #1). Then we took am-hour long bus trip into the city (#2). Next, we hopped on another taxi to our friend's house (#3). An hour later we arrive. The next day, our friend drives us to the train station (#4). Then we hopped on a train (#5). Finally, another friend picks us up at the train station in a van (#6). No wonder he was exhausted. I'm tired just typing it all.

Oh yeah, Oliver is 5 weeks old. I just cannot believe it!

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